Recent news
Cindy Jacobs
April 2014
We have an awesome Sunday ahead of us! Cindy Jacobs will be our guest speaker tomorrow afternoon. It is an honor to have her come and join us! We also have Catalyst Jewelry in collaboration with Justice Speaks joining us tomorrow! Check out their jewelry collection and see how you are contributing to the works of Justice by doing so! // IGNITE @ 4pm.

Justice Speaks 2014
September 9th 2014
Los Angeles, CA (August 7, 2014) - According to recent research regarding human trafficking, Los Angeles is one of the FBI’s 13 highest child sex trafficking areas in the nation and is the perfect place to launch the nationwide fight against domestic human trafficking. The 8 DAYS movement will kick off in Los Angeles on September 9 with a fundraising premiere at The Grove. The nationwide campaign, benefiting local charities in each of the eight cities it’s visiting and many others through the preceding TUGG campaign, is dedicated to raising awareness and funds to stop human trafficking in America. The work begins in Los Angeles, California and grants the opportunities for residents to “clean up” their city with 8 DAYS and Justice Speaks. Justice Speaks is a locally based non-profit in Los Angeles that aims to be a voice for women and children whose dignity and human rights have been violated through trafficking locally and internationally.
“Los Angeles understands the power of media,” says Jaco Booyens Director for 8 DAYS. “It is amazing to see what happens when those in media connect around a single goal. In this case, to support the film 8 DAYS, a powerful tool that will be used to rescue, restore, and bring hope for those who have been victimized by this crime.”
“We are so excited to be a part of this film and movement,” says Sharon Ngai, founder of Justice Speaks. “We have been fighting this horrific crime for the past few years and we are thrilled that SHARE together and After Eden Pictures is joining the fight and launching a movement that hopefully lasts for decades and changes the lives of so many undeserving victims.”
Premiere Details:
September 9th
The Grove Theater
189 The Grove
Los Angeles, CA 90036
5:30 pm - Red carpet opens for media
6:00 pm - Red carpet arrivals
7:00 pm - Screening begins

Lou Engle
May 2014
This just in! We are so excited to announce that we will be having Lou Engle as our guest speaker this Sunday night at IGNITE Service. Join us at 4:00pm for what will be a powerful time! COME HOLY SPIRIT!

Clifton Anderson
February - April 2014
God has given you a purpose so big that you can't do it alone. So how do you know who should be on your journey with you? Come learn how to build your team and form your inner circle. Join us at Radiance tomorrow at 7:30pm for praise and worship, followed by the continuation of our special teaching series called "Impact and Influence for the Kingdom," facilitated by Clifton Anderson. Radiance International 8967 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069. See you tomorrow night!

Dream Night
April 2014
Join us at Radiance this Thursday night for DREAM NIGHT! This is a great time of praise & worship, then sharing and prayer for one another. It all starts at 7:30 pm at Radiance International 8967 Sunset Blvd., W. Hollywood. See you tomorrow night!!

KALAH 2014
April 2014
Trafficking Ring Busted after Kalah 2014!
Written by Sharon Ngai
God answers prayer!
On April 11th and 12th, Justice Speaks hosted a conference at the University of Southern California (USC) focused on combating human trafficking. We named our conferenceKalah which in Hebrew means: to end, to finish, to demolish, to destroy. There are various ways we all can utilize our giftedness & talents to contribute in the ending of human trafficking- film, media, creative arts, writing etc. We need to utilize these talents to do what we can to help. One powerful way we can ALL contribute is Prayer- the least talked about, but our most powerful gift. We ended the last night of our conference teaching on prayer as our greatest answer to destroying & demolishing the structures of human trafficking. We prayed for God to expose and break the back of sex-trafficking in our region.
This is the generation that will end #humantrafficking! We want to invite you to an upcoming conference hosted by Justice Speaks and Movement 133: Join us! Register today

Financial Stewardship & Investing Conference
March 2014
THIS WEEKEND:You Are Invited!
Financial Stewardship Conference with mentor Bob Fraser of Joseph International
Hosted by Robert Grasseschi (of V-Kol Media / TheCRY Hollywood) & Jonathan Ngai (of Radiance House of Prayer)
March 21 - 22nd, 2014
8967 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood, CA, 90069
Click here to find out more.
Registration is FREE. Offerings will be taken.
Culture Shapers
“Culture Shapers” are individuals who are making societal impact for the Kingdom of God in their sphere of influence. These reformers are not only walking with God but building with Him. In the beginning, God gave man stewardship over the earth, and we are still stewards and called by God to excel in fruitful labor. Good stewardship requires that we invest, build and take our rightful authority. Millions of reformers have gone before us, inventing, transforming, influencing, and shining the light. God is calling us to follow in their footsteps and “engage the system” here on the earth, as the “light of the world” and a “city set on a hill.”
Please find out more about this conference at www.v-kol.com

Movement 133 Campus Prayer Night
Oct 2014
Hey everyone get ready to go to the Pasadena Art Center on October 19! Just a few weeks aways. So get all your homework done ahead of time, shift your schedule and move your coffee dates and tell them to come pray with us because you don't want to miss this as we contend to see the transformation of a visual culture in this generation.

8 Days features Justice Speaks
What a Powerful time!
Our Spriritual Mother
Pray and Cover each others Dreams
Impact + Influence
Financial Freedom
College Rival
Jonathan & Sharon Ngai Commissioned 2014
Aug 7 2014
H Rock Church (Pasadena, CA)
HRock Church for their LeaderShift Conference where Jonathan and Sharon Ngai are being commissioned as apostles!!!
Commissioned as Apostles

Launch 2014
June 15 - July 20 2014
Radiance International (Hollywood House of Prayer)
June 15th – July 20th
$500(no housing)
$900(including housing)
We are in a time of great acceleration as God is preparing the earth for a great outpouring of His Spirit. It is imperative for usto be fully equipped in this season to walk out God’s design for our lives. From June 15th to July 20th – we are calling Culture-Shapers to the LAUNCH Discipleship School in Hollywood(right in the heart of the Sunset Strip). For 5 weeks – we will be building FAMILY together as we sit under the teaching of some of the most gifted leaders in the Body of Christ. It will be an intense 35 days – but it will be FUN, comprehensive, andrevelatory - and it will prepare you to step into God’s Best for your life in the NOW. Whether you are called to bring the Kingdom into Arts & Entertainment, Business, Ministry, or into the context of the House of Prayer – this will be an invaluable, life-changing time of preparation unto Launching!! Can’t wait to see what God is going to do!!
Students came from all over the globe